Home Page of Daniel Carlsson

Daniel Carlsson
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Göteborg University
Lundberg Laboratory
SE 405 30 Göteborg

email: daniel@bcbp.gu.se
phone: +46 31 773 3940
fax: +46 31 773 3910

PhD Project

Computer-assisted interpretation of NMR spectra

The goal is to obtain a functional tool that provides strong computer support for the processing of raw NMR data. For new molecular systems, but in particular also for molecules that are homologous to already known systems, the structure determination starting from the NMR spectra shall be fully automatic. Examples of homologous systems may be proteins available in many forms such as with different mutations or the protein bound to different ligands. This analysis tool should allow for efficient structural screening by NMR of clinically interesting compounds ("lead" molecules) in pharmaceutical industry.

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